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Rescues: Afghanistan, Israel & Iraq
In multiple interviews (see clips in videos below), Mills claims he LED and FUNDED multiple rescues. While he participated in some rescues and in some ride-alongs, other groups and persons were responsible for LEADING and/or FUNDING them as detailed below.

August-September 2021 - Afghanistan Rescue​

Who Really LED & FUNDED the Afghanistan Rescues? THE SENTINEL FOUNDATION 

October 2023 - Israel Rescue​

  • October 11, 2023 - Mills began bragging about his alleged Israeli Ground Rescues / Flight to Jordan

    • ​​​​​Claimed the “rescues” were FREE for passengers; the Stonepoint Church group had to pay over $39,000 for rescheduled and rerouted flights to be "rescued" by Mills

    • Stonepoint Church is seeking donations for the exorbitant cost of their "rescue" - donate here

  • Mills claimed the state department and other U.S. agencies didn’t offer support; the U.S. Embassy in Ammon got the Stonepoint Church group emergency visas to cross the borde

  • Mills claimed his rescue flight was the last flight out of Tel Aviv and that there were no commercial flights; there were many commercial flights that day and in the days to follow

  • Mills claimed he was going to go back for more rescues; as of February 2024 this has not happened

  • Mills claimed he went to numerous cities to find and rescue people; for the second in-person "rescue" Mills met the church group at their hotel and rode the tour bus to the border with them, just like hundreds of thousands of other tours did the days before and after

    • Countless other church groups made it back from Israel with government assistance on commercial and charter flights before and after Mills’ "rescues"

    • Mills solicited donations from his fake “Rescue Story” then voted AGAINST helping Israel fight Terrorists

  • October 12, 2023 - The day after returning home from Jordan (for his alleged Israel rescue), Mills updated Never Forgotten, Inc. under PACEM Solution International LLC in Falls Church, VA​​

  • 2024 - Mills continues bragging that he's led and funded multiple rescues in Afghanistan, Israel, and Haiti.​


Who Really LED & FUNDED the Israel Rescues? 

  • Round 1 & 2: Individuals Paid for their OWN Flights Back

  • Round 3: Glenn Beck / Mercury One Charter 

March 12, 2024 - Haiti Rescue

  • Mills alleges his rescues are conducted by a “private operation” and “funded by” him. If that's true, why did he have to call around to find someone to take him to Haiti?

  • Who Really LED & FUNDED the Haiti Rescues? 

    • See full story: TROPIC AIR TONY'S RESCUE â€‹

    • Tony Marinello of Tropic Air Rescue stepped up to the plate. He conducted and paid for the rescue Mills rode along on, and then made additional rescues after Mills returned to Washington D.C. 

  • Contact Tony at Tropic Air Rescue if you’d like to donate to help with Tony's continuing rescue efforts.

  • In an interview with Laura Loomer, Mills claimed to not have missed any votes during his alleged Haiti Rescue. Fact: Mills missed 7 votes during his Haiti ride along.


Mills goes along for the ride, then claims to have led and paid for the rescues, while missing crucial votes and soliciting donations through his own VA-based LLC.

The Afghanistan, Israel, and Haiti rescue stories are still unfolding as new information comes to light. Check back for updates or sign-up for our newsletter below to be the first to know! 

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln

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