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Mills' Alleged Recommendation for Bronze Star Award

Updated: Aug 11

A reporter was given a picture of one page of a marked up recommendation for a Bronze Medal.  An official request has been made for a non-redacted and complete version of this recommendation if it exists. An FOIA request into Mills' awards was also made.

Things to note about the recommendation:

  • The date is covered up; based on the form version being April 2021, this was filled out sometime in the past few months -- 20+ years after Mills left the army. Why are awards being put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 2003-2004?

    • Note that Mills was claiming he had a Bronze Star back in 2020 -- before this recommendation was even submitted (see tweet below)

  • The back page with all of the signatures was not provided.

  • This recommendation form is not proof that Mills received the Bronze Star.

  • If he was really awarded a Bronze Star 20 years ago, why did he never provide the citation for it? 

  • Cory Mills was an Ambulance Aide/Driver for the 1-325 HHC. Ambulance drivers/aides and medics do not engage in combat unless fired upon.

  • Per the recent article written by Mark Harper in the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Retired General Confirms: “To be clear, I am not validating any of the specifics.” 

Achievement #2 is refuted by multiple members of the 1-325. News articles from the time also detail the events of that incident.

  • The Washington Post article The Wounds of War by Monte Reel describes Alan Babin of the 1-325 2nd brigade as being the 3rd platoon’s only medic. This is confirmed by multiple platoon members. Lt. Powell assisted. 

  • Fort Worth Star-Telegram article Alan’s Angels describes Staff Sgt. Jesse Walker as running to Alan Babin, starting an IV, dressing his wounds, and administering drugs to stop the bleeding. This too is confirmed by multiple platoon members, as was 1-325 2nd Brigade Weapon’s Squad Leader August Berndt’s involvement. This article also mentions Sgt. Steven Dukes being near Alan Babin following the incident. 

  • Multiple members of the 1-325 describe Alan Babin being taken to the aid station where he was treated by medics from the 2-325 White Falcons. Henry “Hank” Barbe of the 3-325 arrived on a Blackhawk and took over Babin’s care until they reached Talil Air Base 25 miles away. ​

  • Mills is not mentioned in any articles published at the time. Those involved say "Mills was not at the point of injury" and "did not run through fire;" Walker and Berndt treated Babin on scene. Berndt treated Heit on scene. 

  • Summary of incident as shared by multiple members of the 1-325: Pfc. Joe Heit was near Sgt. Augest Berndt when he was shot. After the gunfire stopped, Berndt rolled Heit over and yelled “doc.” Pfc. Alan Babin got up, started towards Heit, then turned around and ran back to grab his aid bag. As he turned to grab his bag, Babin was shot. Berndt treated Heit with a Barton's bandage then ran to where Babin was. Staff Sgt. Jesse Walker had arrived moments earlier, so Berndt assisted Walker in the treatment of Babin. They called for evac, once the humvey arrived Walker and Berndt helped Babin into the vehicle. Babin was then treated by 2-325  Aid Station until Hank Barbe arrived via helicopter carrying medics who were stationed at an air base a 25-minute flight away. ​

    • Sgt. 1st Class Chris Painter (Platoon Sergeant) 1-325 Aco 3rd Platoon

    • Sgt. Augest Berndt: 1-325 Aco 3rd Platoon, Weapons Squad Leader

    • Staff Sgt. Jesse Walker: 1-325 Aco, 3rd Platoon, Team Leader

    • Pfc. Alan Babin: 1-325 HHC, Only Medic Attached to Aco 3rd Platoon

    • Pfc. Joe Heit: 1-325 Aco, 3rd Platoon

    • Aid Station: 2-325 HHC​​

  • If Babin was the only medic attached to the 3rd platoon and Heit was the CLS, Walker treated Babin in the field, the 2-325 treated Babin at the aid station, and Barbe and the 3-325 medics treated him on the Blackhawk, where does Mills’ version of events fit in? Out of the 4 involved that we have interviewed so far, 3 don’t remember Mills at all, and one vaguely remembers him but not from saving the lives of Babin and Heit.

This is an unfolding story as we await an FOIA request for the un-redacted and complete DA Form 638 (Apr 2021 version) that Mills provided to the media.

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