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Cory Mills STOLEN VALOR: The Proof is In

Updated: Aug 11

According to Mills’ Official Military Personnel File + DD214:

  • Mills had 0 years, 0 months of foreign service while in the U.S. Army

  • Mills couldn’t have been wounded “while deployed” in ‘06 - he left the army in ’03. He lumps his contractor time and military time together.

  • Per his OMPF, Mills was an Ambulance Aide/Driver at Fort Bragg assigned to an HHC with the 1-325. Ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless fired upon.

  • Per his DD214, Mills had 0 years, 0 months service as a 91W2P Health Care Specialist

  • Senior Enlisted & Officers say that Mills never had boots on the ground

  • Mills’ records show 0 years, 0 months of overseas combat. Due to this, 5 of Mills’ medals have been redacted while the military conducts an official investigation.

  • Mills unit went to Kosovo in 2001 on a peace-keeping mission after the war and combat were over. The Kosovo War was over when Mills entered the army; the combat was over June 11, 1999.

  • Why are awards being put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 2003-2004? See details here

  • On his DynCorp bio/application (which was submitted to the state department), Mills falsely claimed:

    • That he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment

    • That he attended US Army Sniper School

    • That he went to many other trainings that are not reflected on his OMPF or DD214, some prior to him even entering the army

    • See more details here

  • Mills claimed he was a member of JSOC Task Force 20 with the 82nd Airborne - this is false. The JSOC event was between the 2nd battalion of the 325 (2-325) and the range battalion (special ops unit); TF 20 is Delta Force. 

    • Mills was not a part of Delta Force

    • Mills was not a part of the 2nd battalion (he was in the 1-325)

    • Mills' claim is not reflected in his Official Military Personnel File or his DD214

Don’t believe us? Do what we did — request the original documents through the Freedom of Information Act. 

We stand behind the evidence so much that we are offering A $1,000 reward for proof that any official document on our website is fake. Offer valid for 1st person who submits proof here.

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1 Comment

Sep 17

Have you given this info to news papers and independent media? If so what have they said?

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